12 Practical Guides to Memorizing The Qur'an $30.00
Bid'ah Hasanah - The Misunderstood Term! $10.00

The story of the Prophet Muhammad (saws)’s life is integral for every Muslim child to know.

This book is an easy to read and follow compilation of the Prophet’s life, with incredible drawings to help your child fully grasp his (saws) life. The author curated the flow of events of the Prophet’s life according to authentic sources to make it easier for young readers to refer and familiarise themselves with each event of his life. The book aims to instill the meanings of Iman (belief), Tawhid (The Oneness of Allah), and Adab (good character) in young children through Muhammad (saws)’s life.

Written by Abu Ahmed-Farid.

Edited by Joanne Pare and Murtala Adedokun.

Published by Dakwah Corner Bookstore.

Pages: 99

ISBN: 9789675699986

Size: 23.5 × 23.5cm


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