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In every breath we take in life, there are signs of God for all of us. The uniform order of life and universe around us leads us directly to unity to God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The vastness of universe reflects God’s will beyond human comprehension. Yet humankind has a vision of God primarily based on divine revelations.

The vision of God as Creator and Sustainer of universe is common to all major world religions despite varying interpretations of God’s will and its application on human life and world affairs.

Peace and progress of humankind depends on harmony between the vision of God in various religions and universal application of God’s will.

It is necessary for all nations to promote universal vision of God and harmony between interpretations of God’s will, for uniform application, in order to ensure peace and progress of humankind all over world.

“Truly, my prayer and service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for God, the Cherisher of worlds.”(Al An’am:162)

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