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Empowerment of Women In the Family, Society, State and Islamic Movement

Islam neither neglects the institution of family unlike some feminists, nor disapproves the cooperation between men and women in housework, unlike some Muslim traditionalists. Islam looks at all work as ‘ibadah’, whether, it is the housework or public work outside home, provided it is performed following the injunctions of Allah (s.w.t.) and with the intention of serving Allah (s.w.t.) Hence in this book, the author presents Islamic stance on the position and role of women in the family and in society. Since Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi is well recognized as one of the most influential Islamic revivalists of the twentieth century, his views on some of the issues of women and the role of women in the family, society, state and Islamic movements are presented and critically analysed. Besides this, some of his arguments and contentions on women are compared with some of the arguments and observations of feminists for a critical appreciation of his views. The author has also presented her reflections on the importance and significance of the Islamic movements and the need for the effective participation and cooperation between men and women in the cause of the Islamic movements.

Written by Zeenath Kausar.

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