This is a biography of one of the Imams of Muhaddithin, he is a scholar
who used to act on his knowledge, setting an example for the Ummah. He
is the towering Imam, Abu Al-Husayn Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj An-Nishapuri.
We hope for it to be a reminder and source of insight concerning the
high position that the scholars of this Ummah attained, a position that
no scholar of any other nation ever attained. This is because these
scholars sought knowledge for the sake of Allah and they strove to
attain His pleasure, so Allah blessed them with levels of knowledge and
understanding that he did not grant to anyone else and He granted them
insights that He did not grant to anyone else.This noble Imam is the master of the Science of Hadith. He has attained a
special place in the hearts of the Muslims and he surpassed most of the
other scholars of this Ummah in fame and recognition. His book reached
such a level of authenticity in precision that is surpassed only by the
Book of Allah Himself. His book has circulated throughout all the Muslim
lands, and its Ahadith are memorized by great scholars and children as
well. Whoever memorizes this book or studies it carefully is counted as a
scholar. This is a great work to gather the biography of this Imam from
major scholarly reference books.