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Jannah – Home at Last
Whatever our situation may be in this life, a life of struggle or comfort, our inevitable fate is the same as the life of this world is temporary.
O believer, this world is not meant to be your paradise, but knowing that Paradise awaits, makes this journey so much more bearable
A Concise Encyclopedia of Jinn and Shaytaan
-Includes 2 CDs
Author: Abu Hammam Sayyed Murad Salama
Pages: 208
An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World
Second Edition
Author: Imran N. Hosein
Pages: 226
Death, Graveyards and Funerary Architecture in Islam
This book aims to cast some light on the theme of Muslim funerary architecture, thus attempting to render the answers on some crucial questions often asked about it. The book focuses on the origins, roles and significance of funerary architecture in Islamic civilisation. It follows that discussing the plans and
Description of Paradise in the Glorious Quran
Author: Abdul Halim Ibn Muhammad Nassar As-Salafi
Pages: 334
Horrors of Judgment Day
Author/publication: Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam (JKN publications)Pages: 100
Ibn Taymeeyah’s Essay on The Jinn
Author: Abridged, annotated and Translated by Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal PhilipsPages: 129
Islamic Creed Series – The World of Jinn and Devils (BOOK 3)
Author: Dr Umar S. Al-Ashqar
229 pages
Time is Running Out- Catastrophes before the day of Judgement
Author: Imam Siddiq Hassan Khan
Pages: 186
Yajuj and Majuj
Destined to return towards the end of time, this book is an important account that delves into an aspect of theology and the last days that is as ignored as it is important.
After Death, Life!
This book offers practical advice, not only on Islamic attitudes to the dying, and the correct procedures of burial according to the Sunnah of the Prophet, but also much to console and strengthen the bereaved, to help then through this sad but inevitable experience. Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood255pgs
Descriptions of Hell
This book explains the descriptions of the Hell fire (Jahannam) according to the Qur’an and the hadith sources
Doomsday and the Life After Death
This book by S. Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood is a systematic study of the complex realities of Life, Life after Death and Doomsday; ultimate fate of mankind and of the Earth, the Solar System and the Universe, in the Light of latest scientific findings; pointing out new horizons of thought for science;
Dreams & Interpretations
A book highlighting the importance of dream in human lives, a fact denied hitherto by modern science. Dreams foretell the future events, they carry a glad tiding for a virtuous deed or forewarn against a misdeed. Matloob Ahmed Qasmi111pgs
Fate and Predestination
Fate and Predestination, is one of a series of books written by Sheikh Al-Sharawi to deal with specific religions questions in a comprehensive and definitive manner. In them he explains all the different aspects of the topic involved, removes any misconceptions, which have developed around it, and clarifies any difficulties.
Funeral Rites in Islam (H/C)
The purpose of this book is to provide English speaking Muslims a concise and authentic compilation of the instructions regarding funeral rites in Islam.
Glimpses of Life After Death
Life is but a journey, learn what awaits us all. Be prepared for your final destination. (SC) 94 pagesAuthor: Alpha Mahmoud Bah
Hell: A Vision Within
Allah has granted humankind certain span of life in this world and with it the ability to think and then decide their course in this life. After that, everyone will die and be buried. Then all of Allah’s creation will be brought back to life on the Day of Judgment.
Overcoming the Fear of Death and Illness
In this book the author has discussed tow real kinds of fear: Fear of Death and Fear of Sickness. Author has tried to diagnose them and prescribe the appropriate treatment for them from an Islamic perspective. Author relied on the Quran and the Sunnah and used some of the advice
Provisions for the Hereafter
Allah has sent the Messenger S.A.W with guidance and the Religion of Truth. Strict adherence to the guidance of his Prophet S.A.W is required from the followers of Islam. The scholars of the Islamic community have attached great importance to it and produced texts regarding the Acts of worship, dealings
The Day Of Wrath – Is The Intifadha Of Rajab Only The Beginning?
The contents of this booklet are glad tidings to the oppressed people of the occupied territories particularly, and to all Muslims in general.
The End Of The World
In recent times things have become very confusing and we have begun to see in bookstores and on websites speculation about future events, based on verses and hadeeths which refer to these future events concerning the signs of the Hour. Every time a calamity befalls Islam and the Muslims, people
Travelling towards Eternity
Expounds the truths of the Qur'an and shows that they can stand up to the scrutiny of science and logic, which is often used to discredit religion.296 pgsBediuzzaman Said Nursi